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Introducing the NYSDRA Webinar Archive

June 23, 2020

The New York State Dispute Resolution Association (NYSDRA) is pleased to expand its membership resources and benefits with the launch of the NYSDRA Webinar Archive. This archive makes webinar recordings, including CLE programs available to members 24/7. In addition to the records, corresponding program resources such as PowerPoints and reading materials are cataloged and accessible. 
The archive’s listings –which range from CLE programs, dispute resolution trainings, and informative overviews— currently include: 

  • Mediation in the Era of Polarization (CLE credit Available) – recorded 4/24/20
  • CMSC Alumni Webinar – recorded 3/20/20
  • Lemon Law Program Procedures – recorded on 7/11/19

We are thrilled to offer this resource to NYSDRA members and will continue to expand the archive as recordings become available. 


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