The New York State Dispute Resolution Association (NYSDRA) is pleased to announce our upcoming 2024 Lemon Law Skills-Based "Refresher" - Managing Lemon Law Arbitration - A Critical Process Refresher. As the premier organization dedicated to promoting and advancing the use of dispute resolution in New York State, we're committed to providing high-quality training opportunities for professionals like you, keeping your skills honed for a rapidly changing ADR landscape.
We are thrilled to have Stephen LaLonde, a certified trainer and experienced arbitrator, leading this session, featuring a joint Q&A session with Attorney Melvin Goldberg and Lemon Law Case Intake Coordinator Kris Manzur from the NYS Office of the Attorney General. This training offers a valuable opportunity to refresh your Lemon Law arbitration skills and gain insights from industry experts.
Additional information about the event is listed below. Hope to see you there!
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Stephen P. LaLonde is a private practice arbitrator with over 38 years of hearing cases in labor-management, commercial, securities, and other areas. He provides arbitration, mediation, fact finding services, and neutral facilitated negotiations to individuals and public/private businesses and organizations. He has served on arbitration and dispute resolution panels including those of the American Arbitration Association, NYS Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), U.S. Postal Service & APWU/NALC, National Association of Securities Dealers, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), NYS Education and Health Departments, the NYS Dispute Resolution Association, and the Center for Dispute Settlement.
Mr. LaLonde has received commendations from the NYS Unified Court System and the Center for Dispute Settlement for his work in community mediation and arbitration. He was selected by the New York State Attorney General’s Office to provide statewide arbitration training and technical assistance for NYS General Business Law §198 arbitration proceedings and has done so for the past 29 years.
Mr. LaLonde has also been a trainer/consultant providing training, instruction, and program design in interpersonal and group conflict, arbitration, mediation, interpersonal and group negotiations, interest-based negotiations, labor arbitration, labor-management collaboration, and other organizational, labor-management & labor relations topics. He has over 36 years experience in education and instructional program design and evaluation and has authored or co-authored numerous curricula.
This training is ideal for Lemon Law arbitrators, dispute resolution professionals, and anyone involved in consumer protection arbitration. Whether you are an experienced arbitrator looking to refresh your knowledge or new to managing Lemon Law cases, this session will provide critical updates and insights into key issues like evidence handling, the checkoff system, and proper award writing. Participants working in legal, automotive, or ADR settings who want to ensure compliance with New York State Lemon Law procedures will greatly benefit from this interactive refresher..
300 Great Oaks Blvd, Suite 300-027 | Albany, NY 12203 | Phone: 518-687-2240 | Fax: 518-687-2245 | (opens in a new tab)
NYSDRA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
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