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Easy as Pie Recipe for Blogging

October 20, 2015

Easy as Pie Recipe for Blogging

Posted By Charlotte Carter, NYSDRA Executive Director, Monday, October 19, 2015

I was fortunate to attend the 
New York Council on Nonprofit's (NYCON) Camp Finance in early October: two days of splendid workshops on finance, social media, governance, technology, and accountability & compliance. Even the panel discussions were packed with information and inspiration. We will briefly acknowledge that a couple of days in the Mohonk Mountain House -- with on-beyond amazing food, views and potential for exploring endless trails, gardens, a labyrinth, rooms with porches, rocking chairs and real fireplaces – didn’t hurt either. Very Nourishing.

Jay Wilkinson and the folks from Firespring whetted our appetites with a common sense approach to thought leadership and blogging strategies (check out their free online webinars!). Ok, maybe pie making isn’t easy for everyone, but this is worth a try (I’ll even include Lacy’s Impossible Pie, from my school chum. Stay with me.) So, thought leadership requires a commitment to generating great content, becoming an established expert, and inspiring action. This must be true because I heard it first from Carla Schlist, NYSDRA's Membership and Communications Manager.

Ingredients of popular and nutritional blogs:

  • Great stories
  • Encourage participation
  • Express gratitude
  • Timely and durable
  • Well edited
  • Short, pointed
  • Team produced


1. Select a team of 4-5 people who love to write, journal, etc.
2. Meet to discuss the blog theme and mission
3. Brainstorm topics (Jay thought we could generate 50 in an hour or two.)
4. Divide up the work
5. Repeat Steps 3 & 4 as needed.

So are you inspired? Will you act?

At least try this easy pie recipe. Mix 2/3 cup milk, ½ cup baking mix, and 2 eggs. Add 2 cups of vegetables cooked or thawed and ½ cup of cheese. Pour into a greased pie pan, and bake at 400° for 30-35 minutes.

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