Wednesday, August 20, 2014
NYSDRA is a Lifetime Sponsor for Mediation Settlement Day being held at New York Law School on October 7th.
Mediation Settlement Day is an annual event designed to raise awareness about the many benefits of mediation and the wealth of available resources for people in conflict. Organizations throughout the United States and beyond coordinate efforts to celebrate and promote mediation on the same day each year. On this day and throughout the month of October, organizations conduct special programs to promote mediation and to educate potential parties and attorneys about the mediation process. The aim is to encourage parties to try mediation for the first time and to reinforce its value and effectiveness to those who have benefitted from it before.
For all information on Mediation Settlement Day and the Annual Kick-Off Event click here.
300 Great Oaks Blvd, Suite 300-027 | Albany, NY 12203 | Phone: 518-687-2240 | Fax: 518-687-2245 |
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