Shari Greenleaf
Project Associate,
Special Education Mediation Program
1-855-RESOLVE (1-855-737-6583) ext. 2
Shari Greenleaf, an experienced volunteer mediator, serves as a Project Associate under the Special Education Mediation Program, which NYSDRA administers on behalf of the New York State Education Department (NYSED). She previously served as NYSDRA’s Special Education Mediation Program Coordinator from 2017 to 2019.
Shari has served as a volunteer mediator at Mediation Matters since 2013 and regularly provides mediation in the areas of special education, small claims and community disputes. In addition to being trained as a community mediator, Shari has received advanced training in family mediation, restorative justice, lemon law and special education mediation. Shari frequently participates in service training sessions through Mediation Matters.
During her previous tenure at NYSDRA, Shari developed curriculum to train new special education mediators and conducted numerous training sessions for CDRC special education mediators. Shari promoted the use of special education mediation statewide, including many public presentations to parents, school staff and community members.
Shari served as in house counsel for Schenectady City School District from 1994 until 2011 and provided a wide range of services, including representing the district in state and federal courts and administrative proceedings (including special education impartial hearings). Shari provided legal advice to the board of education and school administrators, including matters related to special education.
As an attorney, Shari also was employed for 5 years at a statewide nonprofit which supports public schools (NY State School Boards Association) and was in private practice in Syracuse and Oswego. Shari received her juris doctor from Syracuse University Law School and received her bachelor of arts from the State University of New York at Potsdam.
Shari lives in Schenectady NY and enjoys spending time with her daughter, son in law and 2 granddaughters.
300 Great Oaks Blvd, Suite 300-027 | Albany, NY 12203 | Phone: 518-687-2240 | Fax: 518-687-2245 | (opens in a new tab)
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